October 22, 2024

Good Day,

When COVID hit, we were forced to become a virtual church. This turned out to be an unexpected blessing, because now we have friends from all across America (and sometimes Canada) who join us on a regular basis. If you would like to tune in on a Sunday, here is the link. 


The Meeting Room will be open at 10 AM, so that folks can link in, and we expect to start our service at 10:15. You can join at any time, even after the service has begun. You can also join by phone, and choose to have your video on or off. Call (346) 248-7799, and enter this meeting ID: 908 892 239.




About Bluebonnet Hills:

This is a good place to come if you want to learn about a certain carpenter who walked through the Hill Country once upon a time.  The carpenter's name was Jesus, and he lived in the Hill Country of the eastern Mediterranean during the days of the Roman Empire. 

This carpenter said, and did, some of the most remarkable things that anyone had ever seen or heard of.  His life is worth studying, his message is worth hearing, and his example is worth following. 

We live and work in a different Hill Country today than where Jesus lived and worked, but the hills today are still the same as the hills were when he walked the Earth, and his words still have the same truth and power as when he first spoke them.

Anyone interested in learning more about Jesus is welcome to join us for singing, praying, and "conversating" on Sunday morning at 10 AM.  Or, if you can't make it Sunday, send me an email with any questions you have, and I will get back with you.

May the Spirit of Grace bless you each day.

Pastor Landon.

Landon T. Shultz, PhD, Minister




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